My menu
bleed line - paper cut line

Sharing platter (for two)
A lovely two course meal for two consisting of many side dishes and you can choose how much you what.
Rice (for two)
Ther are two rices that can be served One is a vegetable fried rice and the other a lemon rice with a light kick from the lemonAnd a little bit of white rice
A lovely traditional Indian curry with a coconut hint and a mild spice which is for everyone
This is an acessery as you like you can take as much or as little as you want
Chicken 65
Call chicken 65 because of the 65 spices that was added to the chicken it was created in my hometown and is a very popular
Popadom and onion buji
Well what is it ? It’s up to you to decideA bit of onion with a crunchy batter
Cobi munguri
A vegetable version of the chicken 65for the vegetarian cast that was in india
Chicken lollipop
a Savoury taste to a sweet name it’s almost to good to be true
Marshmallow pudding (For two )
(A fluffy delight after a fiery main course this is only for the sweet hearted)
(A fluffy delight after a fiery main course this is only for the sweet hearted)
Indian lemon juice (narenga tuni)